
Welcome on my website dedicated to Shortwave radio recordings.
Here you can find Numberstations and NDB recorded by me. I will add more signals in the future.
I said it on 2018, but as you can see, the future isn’t coming. :/

Last update:

09.02.2024 08:27
Changed links on archive subpage to another.
All is now in https, fixed links to audio files which used http despite that server can support https. These links was added a long long time ago when i didn’t had https enabled.
In 2023 i made todo list, and here’s the information abot what was realised:
In the late of holidays i planning to slightly redesign the subpages which contain an audio recordings. Maybe it’s time to add audio player, or at least if not, opening sounds in a new tabs so can close the window and continue to browsing the site.
Holidays ended a long time ago, my life sucked and i didn’t made this change in these time but?? Finally i did it now. From now on, all recordings opening in new tab.
Convert all wav files to mp3, to clean up the space on server.
It was also done now. Space has been slightly free up.
Finally add more recording categories, maybe some detailed describtions.
Maybe later?
2 updates per year again haha. Maybe in this year i will have more power?
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